Joyce with books and characters

Joyce Grant, Author & Speaker

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Request a Class Visit or Virtual Presentation

After you contact me, we will chat so I can understand how to tailor my presentation so it supports your teaching and your students’ interests and learning. I’ll also suggest free resources that can extend the learning after my presentation.

NOTE: If you are with a school in Ontario, you may be eligible for The Writers’ Union of  Canada’s Ontario Writers-In-the-Schools Program which offers large discounts when you book member authors (Joyce Grant is a member).



  • For a workshop, it’s best to have fewer than 30 students at a time and in-person is best but virtual can be accommodated as well.
  • For presentations, the following grade groupings work best: K-1, 1-3, 4-5, 5+, high school.
  • For a presentation, I am happy to include as many students as you’d like within the grade grouping and that doesn’t usually affect the price.

Testimonial: “The presentation was phenomenal. Her enthusiasm was contagious. I would DEFINITELY recommend Joyce.”