Burst Your Bubble!: Outsmart the Algorithms and See What You’re Missing
An engaging, accessible look at internet algorithms and the importance of bursting your information bubble We are all in information bubbles, whether we realize it
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An engaging, accessible look at internet algorithms and the importance of bursting your information bubble We are all in information bubbles, whether we realize it
For today’s tech-savvy kids, here’s the go-to resource for navigating what they read on the internet.
Miguel hasn’t missed El Salvador since arriving in North America with his mother and sister. But with his father still in El Salvador and gangs shaking down the old neighbourhood, life isn’t easy for Miguel.
As the team learns about the hard realities some new immigrant kids face, Miguel and his family learn to trust their neighbours and teammates.
The inner-city Blues baseball team is having a lousy year. Shortstop Nash and the Blues can’t seem to win.
Is it a problem that their new all-star player is gay? It is for Nash.
When Gabby finds a mysterious photograph in her backyard, she teams up with her best friend, Super Roy, to figure out who the strange girl in the picture is.
Using her magic book and the power of punctuation, Gabby and Roy must ask the right questions to solve the mystery and save the day.
Gabby and her friend Roy are in the backyard, setting up a stage for their play about “Queen Gabriella” — but they are missing a few crucial items.
Using her magic letter book, Gabby assembles letters to create words that will transform into various props for a fun drama adventure.
When Gabby drops her magic book the letters fall out.
Whatever she spells with the letters comes to life!