Free Resources for Teachers
Teaching Guides

Teaching Guide: Can You Believe It?
This resource leads you through a series of activities, breaking the book up over several days. You will begin each day’s session by reading one section of the book and then completing one activity based on what you’ve read that day. Activities include: understanding illustrations, conducting an interview, understanding points of view, practicing making news, group discussion and analysis.

Teaching Guide: Gabby
The Gabby teacher’s guide works for Gabby, Gabby: Drama Queen and Gabby: Wonder Girl.

Teaching Guide: Tagged Out
The Tagged Out teachers guide takes you through the book chapter by chapter with fun curriculum-based activities and questions as well as grammar and baseball vocabulary.
Fake News, Journalism & Writing

“For the Record”: Journalism Resource
For the Record is a free, monthly resource about journalism. Each two-page edition features an interview with a working journalist and looks at a specific job in the field. The series covers investigative journalism, courts reporting, photo journalism, news librarians, editors, comics, editorial cartoons and much more! Produced by the Toronto Star’s Classroom Connection and written by freelance journalist and children’s author Joyce Grant. Download them all!

Fake News Resources
Are you looking for resources to teach kids about critical thinking and fake news? by Joyce Grant has an extensive list of great resources you can use for free! For instance, BBC iReporter is a fast-paced online game that teaches kids how reporters must decide whether to post information or keep checking it for accuracy. It’s fun and real-world. Another great game you’ll find in our list of fake news resources is Spot the Troll which teaches kids how to know whether it’s a person or a bot following you. You’ll also find a list of scholastic papers, research and more to help teachers and parents prepare their kids for the online world and to help make them better critical thinkers.

Social Media Training
Do you have questions about social media, are confused about how to use it or want to use it better? You’re not alone!
Join me for fun, smart and respectful one-on-one training on social media — Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, Pinterest, LinkedIn … on your phone or computer.
- Get a Goodreads author page
- Get people to your next book launch or event
- Learn about a social media platform
- Find out which social media are the best fit for you
- Get your questions answered
Sign up for an hour or for a weekly or monthly session.
And if you’re a writer or an illustrator, you are already creating lots of great content! I’ll show you how to post and share it effectively.
There are no silly questions. After all, social media are relatively new to us all … we’ll work together so you’re better and more efficient at using it.
For more information, email me at
Joyce Grant’s free website, can help your students broaden their knowledge about journalism and critical thinking.
It is a great, free resource for teachers, parents and kids. Each kid-friendly news article is pulled from the headlines. Great for shared reading, individual study or group work. Every article is written by a professional journalist and has Think & Discuss questions as well as Links for deeper investigations.
There are more than a thousand archived articles on just about any topic you can imagine. And it’s all free! This award-winning website also features One Good Thing, simple articles about fun, uplifting topics.

Want to get published? Great Resources, Tips, Organizations
A fantastic, curated list of tips, links and tricks for aspiring writers.
Crafts & Games

Crafts & Games
There are tons of great FREE resources for teachers to use with Gabby and Tagged Out including:
- Colouring pages
- Gabby & Roy Valentines
- Gabby Holiday posters
- Gabby Stickers
- Signed Bookplates
- Bookmarks
- An online Children’s Art Gallery
- And much more!
When you book a class visit, we’ll discuss what I can bring to hand out to your class!