Burst Your Bubble!: Outsmart the Algorithms and See What You’re Missing

For ages: 8 to 12
Hardcover, Paperback, Ebook
Publisher: Owlkids Books

On the internet, whatever you click, like or share you get more of.

If you like sports, you’ll get more sports. If you like dinosaurs, you’ll get T-rexes and Allosauruses galore. Pretty soon, those topics start to edge out other things until your online view becomes narrow and limited.

You’re in a bubble! An information bubble that’s filled with all the things you like (or that the algorithms assume you like) but which blocks you from accessing different people, experiences and points of view.

This book helps young people–and adults!–recognize their information bubble and find ways to break out of it, to embrace the world and see what they’re missing.

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More about this book

An engaging, accessible look at internet algorithms and the importance of bursting your information bubble

We are all in information bubbles, whether we realize it or not. The content that fills our bubble is the product of all the likes, clicks, and shares we make online. While we may enjoy what the algorithm pushes to us, we can gradually lose sight of perspectives and points of view that are different from our own.

In seven chapters, readers will learn what algorithms are, why they are used, and what influences someone’s information bubble both online and in real life. Sidebars offer additional context, and fun activities allow readers to understand concepts in real time.

Written in an approachable tone with fun, dynamic illustrations, Burst Your Bubble provides insight into the dangers of limited information and offers tangible suggestions on how to move beyond it.

End matter features a glossary, an author’s note, sources and an index. Illustrated by Jan Dolby. Edited by Jennifer Stokes and designed by Elisa Gutierrez, Owlkids Books.


Cover of "Burst Your Bubble! Outsmart the Algorithms and See What You're Missing" featuring a young boy on a teal background up on tiptoes bursting an enormous bubble with a pin to let in an assortment of glittery colours.

“In Burst Your Bubble, Joyce Grant gives the reader the tools to understand how online algorithms work as an invisible force influencing the way we understand and interact with the world, and provides practical steps each of us can take to break out of our information bubbles. Doing this at all is an achievement. Doing it in a children’s book that speaks to every generation is extraordinary. This is a book I wish to see on the shelves of every school library, in every home, and at every corporate headquarters. Breaking out of our information bubbles gives us a broader view of the world and our place in it. This is a capability we all deserve, and this book is a great place to start. Five stars. No notes. Don’t forget to like and subscribe.”
– Morten Rand-Hendriksen, technology educator and social media UNfluencer

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Cover of "Burst Your Bubble! Outsmart the Algorithms and See What You're Missing" featuring a young boy on a teal background up on tiptoes bursting an enormous bubble with a pin to let in an assortment of glittery colours.


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